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Astus Coaching specialises in cross-cultural training and coaching between East and West. We have a deep understanding of the cultural differences between the East and West and provide our clients with the context, skills and know-how to engage, communicate and manage successfully.  We have a track record of working with culturally diverse delegates from the C-Suite, senior and mid-range management as well as graduates from global companies in multiple industry sectors. We work closely with our clients to design bespoke programmes and to provide long-lasting partnership and support.  


All training content is customised to our client's specific requirements to provide individual service and format. Astus offer all training and coaching sessions face to face and virtually. The services can be delivered in English, German and Korean languages.

These are some of our long-standing specialised training and coaching programmes:

Culture Training - South Korea, UK, Austria and The Netherlands

If you want to do business successfully with South Korean, British, Austrian and Dutch partners, engage with the respective clients and build strong relationships with colleagues etc, then it is essential to understand why they think, behave and communicate the way they do... 

Expat Training

When working across different cultures, executives have to be culturally intelligent to be even more effective in managing teams and achieving their objectives. What works well in their home countries, might not work across other cultures. Different communication styles can lead to conflicts. Different expectations and leadership styles can frustrate teams, which can cause a decrease in trust and eventually of productivity...


Cross cultural Communication - Toolkit for effective conversations 

Today employees work in a pressurised environment where it is all down to clear and effective communication to succeed. The challenge is not only do we individually communicate differently but our communication style i.e. the way we speak and listen, is culturally conditioned. It is important to unlock the different biases and values of why we communicate in different ways and how we can make ourselves understood cross-culturally....

121 Cultural Coaching 

Astus offer 121 coaching for delegates, who operate in a challenging cross-cultural environment. This targeted approach allows for a more personalised and deeper discussion, which in a group would not be possible. This is the most effective method for a high-pressurised delegate in a fast-moving and fast-changing environment to gain and retain relevant information. This personalised session gives the delegate room to discuss and reflect on various topics...

Team Business Coaching 

Working globally with multinational teams brings a whole set of new complexities, which is beyond the skills of individual leaders. They realise that there is a need for collective team effort resulting in higher impact in their leadership. Team Business Coaching supports the group in its process of connecting, working and learning more effectively together...


Cultural Training South Korea, UK, Austria, NL

Expat Training 

Cross cultural Communication 

121 Cultural Coaching 

Team Business Coaching

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