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Expat Training

When working in a different culture, executives have to be culturally savvy to be even more effective in managing teams, engaging with stakeholders and achieving their objectives. What works well in their home countries, might not work in their host country. Different communication styles can lead to conflicts. Different expectations and leadership styles can frustrate teams, which can cause a decrease in trust and eventually of productivity. 

Understanding and applying the cultural Know-how in engaging is the ingredient to success. Engaging with someone from another culture requires a range of knowledge and skills, which need to be carefully inter-played. 

Astus have been working with expats from the East and West and have helped them to succeed in their host countries. The expat programmes look into the key areas in cross-cultural work such as managing teams, communicating appropriately, engaging and building trust etc. and aims to increase the clients' awareness of how crucial it is to understand and leverage the differences of the other cultures to be successful.


The overall training objectives are to equip the expats with cross-cultural competencies to work with their partners and teams in their new host country at their best.


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